Veronica Ewers Will stop the second half of the 2024 Season to Recover From Health Issues

Veronica Ewers Will stop the second half of the 2024 Season to Recover From Health Issues
For the rest of the 2024 road season, we all・round rider Veronica Ewards put on the brakes and took a long time from racing and training to recover from the relative lack of energy in the sport (RED-S). The joint decision with her EF Education-Cannondale team was made "for her mental and physical health."

"I'm recovering from the RED-S [relative lack of energy in sport] and it was pretty clear late last year and into this year that I was suffering from it," Ewers said in the team's press release.

"I had a stress fracture in my heel, so I urged the team to have a DEXA scan and have a blood test. I was experiencing all the symptoms of the RED-S"

The National Library of Medicine (USA) called the RED-S a serious health issue for women and men, including cardiovascular, reproductive and psychological problems.

When EF Education-Cannondale announced it would launch a new Continental women's team in 2024, Ewers was the first rider confirmed for the team. I signed a contract for 2 years. Last year's Giro d'Italia women ranked 4th overall and last season's Tour de France-She finished in 9th place in Femme.

"I've been training and practicing pretty competitive sports since I was 10 or 11 years old. So this is a very new experience for me and it's very scary. It sounds ridiculous that this is scary, but it's jumping into the unknown," she noted.

At the end of the 2023 season, Ewers spoke on a team podcast about the ups and downs she experienced with mental health issues. She continued her "dark overcast headspace" on May 1 and received support from her teammates at team camp in Mallorca to help recharge in 2024, but the race's start was limited and she couldn't get the momentum she wanted.

"So, this year, when I joined a new team, we focused on getting really healthy. Earlier this year, the team said, "We're trying to get you to a healthy place. That may mean that the performance will be a hit, but we will make some adaptations at the beginning of the year and hopefully it will come mid-season."

"And my training changed because my body needed to heal and recover in a certain way. This affected my performance and it had a domino effect on my mental health even more than I've already struggled with in the past. So at this point, I think there are still some physical blocks that are going on when it comes to performance, but I also think the mental aspect is large

EF Education said will give ewers access to team resources, and ewers said her estrogen levels and hormones are "where they are still needed." "We are not in a position to do so," he said. 

The 29-year-old completed Setmanasicrista Valencia on 2 May, did not race again until the spring classic of 4 mid-May 3. Teammate Kim Cadzou was 10th overall and Alison Jackson and Kirsten Faulkner helped win the Vuelta España Femenina, making the team the best Continental team and 3rd overall.

A consistent performer at the American Road Nationals, the 2021 bronze medalist in the time trial has had the lowest standings since its first year with 8th place in ITT and 14th place in road races. She has not raced since a US national in West Virginia a month ago.

The time away from the race is also the time completely off the bike for Ewers for a complete physical and mental reset. She planned to stay in Europe, travel with her family, and then return to the United States for an extended period of time.

"I'm going to take advantage of this time by traveling a bit with my parents. They are going to explore with me, and I can become a suitable tourist for the first time in a very long time. I look forward to it," she said in a team statement.

"After a little trip here, I'm going back to the state and going to my family's lake House in northern Idaho. It's honestly one of my favorite places on this planet. So I'm really excited to get there, and I think it gives me a lot of peace just being in that place. But while I'm in one of my favorite places, I can just spend some time with my family and friends, just that reset”

