Katie Archibald of the Paris Olympics after breaking her leg in a funny garden accident

Katie Archibald of the Paris Olympics after breaking her leg in a funny garden accident

British Katie Archibald is out of the Paris Olympics after breaking her leg and tearing ligaments in an unusual accident in her garden. 

Archibald, 30, won gold at the 2016 and 2020 Olympics and became a leader and role model for the British track team.

In an Instagram post, Archibald revealed on Wednesday that he had surgery to repair fractures and ligament damage, but confirmed that the Olympics didn't involve me.In an instagram post, Archibald revealed that he had surgery on Wednesday.

"I stumbled upon a step in the garden and managed to dislocate my ankle somehow.; And tear two ligaments from the bone. What the hell is it," Archibald wrote in an Instagram message along with 2 photos. 

"It was on Tuesday, and since then I've been in full princess mode. I was able to fix the bone and reinstall the ligaments in yesterday's surgery. Then hopefully this afternoon I will be back home.

Archibald was expected to race in Team Pursuit, Madison, Omnium in Paris in early May 8. She won gold in the women's team at the 2016 Rio Olympics, silver at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and gold at the Madison Olympics.

"A hundred thanks for the amazing doctors, nurses, radiologists, porters, physiotherapists, surgeons and others at the Manchester Royal Infirmary," Archibald wrote, appealing for her injuries to be taken well. 

"A hundred apologies for what this means for the Olympic team, I've been told I won't get involved.

"I'm still processing that little news, but I thought it was better to check publicly rather than leave it to Grapes.

In a statement of support, British cycling said it was sad that Archibald would miss the Paris Olympics.

"We share Katie's heartbreak over her injuries and the cruel way she was denied the opportunity to ride for the medal she had longed for in Paris," the statement said.

”Our focus has now been to provide Katie with the best possible support when she starts her recovery, and we have a whole cycle"
