Italian esports racer Luca Zanasca suspended after positive anti-doping test

Italian esports racer Luca Zanasca suspended after positive anti-doping test

Italian anti-doping authorities have suspended esports player Luca Zanasca after testing positive for the banned steroid stanozolol in an anti-doping test.

The 40-year-old Zanasca represented Italy at the 2023 Esports World Championship after qualifying through the Continental selection process. He finished in 57th place behind the winner Bjorn Andreason of Denmark.

Has competed in road races at Continental level between 2008 and 2012 and worked as a senior manager of development for Linkedin Assos.

Zanasca rode Team Castelli pb Elite Esports, but the team announced that it would no longer compete for the team at events on the Zwift platform.

Italian anti-doping authorities have not identified when the test took place, but Zanasca faces investigation and trial before the ban from the competition is confirmed. Since doping is also a crime in Italy, Zanasca also risks a formal police investigation and the possibility of criminal charges.

He has not made any comment since the suspension was announced by the Italian anti-doping authority. とのインタビューで On the website, before the 2023 Esports World Championship, Zanasca explained how the choice for the Italian national team meant that he became part of the anti-doping test pool.

"Until the end of the month, I have to act like a pro rider: Adams, Whereabouts, 60 minutes test window," he said on May 2.

If found guilty of doping, Zanasca faces a ban of up to 4 years.
